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Our team is dedicated to making you feel and look your best.
Dr. Melanie Levesque MD, CCFP
Dr. Levesque, MD, CCFP, is a family physician specializing in aesthetic dermatology and skin cancer, with over a decade of experience and a passion for cosmetic dermatology and wellness. A former lawyer and award-winning educator, she holds advanced diplomas in skin cancer and aesthetic medicine, serves as a UBC Clinical Instructor, and speaks five languages.
Tiger Kernohan
Tiger, a graduate of John Casablanca's school of Medical Aesthetics, has been helping clients feel relaxed and confident in their skin for over 4 years. Born and raised in Whistler, her passion for aesthetics grew from a love of lymphatic drainage and facial sculpting. She finds it incredibly rewarding to see how her treatments transform her clients appearance and also how they feel.
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